Our Victories

Black Organizing Project (BOP) in Oakland, CA
On June 24th, 2020, the Black Organizing Project pushed the Oakland Unified School Board to pass the George Floyd Resolution to Eliminate the Oakland Schools Police Department and reinvest its $6 million budget into a non-carceral safety plan.
Coleman Advocates for Children & Youth in San Francisco, CA
On June 23rd, 2020, the San Francisco School Board introduced and voted to prohibit school collaboration with law enforcement and not renew the memorandum of understanding with San Francisco police.
Labor Community Strategy Center in Los Angeles, CA
On February 16th, 2021, Los Angeles students and organizers, led by a coalition of organizations including Students Deserve and Labor Community Strategy Center, won a major budget cut of $25 million from the L.A. Unified School Police Department.
Puente Human Rights Movement in Phoenix, AZ
On July 7th, 2020, the Phoenix Union School District Superintendent announced that the district would not reauthorize their annual agreement with the city of Phoenix for on-campus police officers.